Evidence to the June 2022 Tribunal on how the whistleblowing detriments in the case damaged me;

It is extraordinary the amount of evidence that both HEE and Lewisham and Greenwich NHS excluded from their investigation from people that actually worked with me and supervised me clinically. The Tribunal has not only turned a blind eye to this fact but also ignored the evidence themselves. The Tribunal had a clear explanation of the significance of this evidence. They had no excuse.

Below is the Tribunal Statement of my Consultant Clinical Supervisor at the time of the whistleblowing in my 2014. It clearly show both me and him trying limit the damage to my career by this case. He had is evidence ignored by the formal investigations in my case. Below his statement on this page, is the Eportfolio evidence that he refers to that the HEE, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust had the benefit of but ignored.

Multisource Feedback from Lewisham and Greenwich Staff that I was working with, in the year that I did the whistleblowing as a CT2 Doctor

Multisource feedback from my HEE Training Programme CT1 Year

For those that what to go through my Eportfolio just to check that I am not a dodgy doctor here is what the Tribunal had site of.