My Letter to the CQC Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals

Letter from me to CQC showing the extent of the cover up in my whistleblowing case. I asks the CQC to correct 19 MPs and public officials on being misled in letters about my case (and why these letters were not initially disclosed to the employment tribunal). It pushes the CQC on why they have broken data law with my case (which they seem to accept). It also warns the CQC about the private investigator that was initially responsible for the cover up of my patient safety issues being currently involved in another doctor’s whistleblowing case (paid for by the taxpayer).

The CQC’s response to my letter

The CQC dodges the question on the cover up and MPs being misled about my case and effectively says serious patient safety Governance issues that began in 2014 should be dealt with by an employment tribunal in 2022. The CQC Deputy Chief Inspector states;

“We do not assess or investigate the fitness of those employed as directors. Where
we follow up on a referral, any judgement we make is on the provider, and not the
individual that the referral concerns.

If any new Fit and Proper Persons Requirement concerns arise at the court proceedings once they are determined, we will be happy to consider these.”