Due to the conduct of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and their law firm Capsticks LLP 3 supplementary statements from Dr Chris Day have been admitted into evidence. The last two the Respondent chose not to cross examine the Claimant on.

Statement dated 11 July 2022 – Disclosure of Board Meeting Record

The statement deals with the deliberate concealment and dishonest denial (to a Judge) of the record of the 14 October 2018 Board Meeting that approved the controversial settlement of Dr Day’s main whistleblowing case in 2018.

Statement dated 6 July 2022- Deals with concealed documents disclosed on the weekend of 1-3 July 2022 and the deliberate destruction of evidence by the Respondent;

Statement dated 6 June 2022- The Claimant challenged false statements made by Ben Cooper QC about the case and the Claimant. Mr Cooper was forced to row back on things written in his Tribunal statement even before being cross examined which is shambolic for a QC.

Main Statement from Dr Chris Day describing 8 years of whistleblowing litigation and the facts of the case from 2014 or in other words “the cock up of the cover up”.

Impact statement (included at the end of Main Statement)