What was the point of the false factual court submissions from HEE and Hill Dickinson ?

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The False Factual Submissions in the Employment Tribunal in 2015 to obtain a strike out of my whistleblowing case against HEE?
Paragraph 32 of my Main Statement

Paragraph 38(a), 38(b), 38(c) on my Main Statement

False submissions in the appeal Courts by HEE and Hill Dickinson
In the Employment Appeal Tribunal in 2016
Paragraph 45-47 Main Statement

In the Court of Appeal in 2017
Paragraph 52(a) Main Statement

Paragraph 52(b) Main Statement

Click here for more details on the hidden commissioning contracts that collapsed HEE position in May 2018

Evidence that the 2 Hill Dickinson Lawyers running my case and present in the Court of Appeal in 2017 were in possession of undisclosed LDA in June 2016
See paragraph 29 of the witness statement of Michael Wright the Hill Dickinson Partner running my case.

See paragraph 31-32 of the statement of Michael Wright for evidence that the Head of NHS Employment Philip Ferrar had possession of LDAs