What is the hearing about?

After our victory in December 2022, our wasted costs claim that HEE’s lawyers committed fraud whilst they argued all English junior doctors out of whistleblowing protection, in order to stop my case being heard, is progressing to full a trial.

The Judgment of our December 2022 hearing can be read here but it has also been covered in the press below.

Friday 17 November is about obtaining orders for access to HEE’s lawyers emails and files to gather further evidence of what went on.

Our letter to Hill Dickinson setting out our approach for 17 November

Draft List of Issues

As stated in the above email, this is our proposed List of Issues. We will be asking Hill Dickinson to give their position on each of the points within 14 days of the Friday hearing and will ask for an Order to that effect. Although Hill Dickinson have denied wrong doing they have given almost no factual basis for this as the December Judgment remarks that Hill Dickinson has”  “denied the allegations although the factual position of HD’s conduct has not been given in any detail at all”.